
Preparing for a TPN Assessment

August 28, 2023
By Suzy Lopez

This is the final post in a three-part blog series authored by Suzy Lopez, Security Engineer at NBCUniversal, discussing their ongoing efforts with TPN and the benefits we bring to service providers in the media and entertainment industry. Read the first blog post here and the second post here.

The launch of the TPN+ program is a significant development aimed at enhancing security practices in the Media and Entertainment industry.

By breaking down the best practices into specific controls and offering comprehensive instructions, we ensure that service providers can navigate the complexities and implement the necessary security measures accurately and safely.

Here are a few suggestions when approaching the security controls and in preparation for a TPN assessment:

  • Download the latest MPA Best Practices, which can be found on the TPN MPA website. Becoming familiar with the requirements will help you understand what the assessor will be looking for.
  • Know what documentation is required. This may include things such as policies, procedures, and other supporting materials.
  • If some controls are unable to be met, prepare to have a good reason for why the control is not being met and if there are any plans to have them met.
  • Gather a team. Ensure you have subject matter experts who can answer the controls.

Keep in mind to stay calm and composed. The best practices and assessors are available to support you, not to create difficulties. Let’s maintain a collaborative approach and work together to safeguard our content in the media industry effectively.